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Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Tips on Surviving Halloween Legends Today Frankenstein’s Monster.

Frankenstein’s monster shouldn’t be too hard to beat. Again, first know your enemy. The monster is already dead, has super strength, fears fire and wants a friend. My real advice here is to show the monster kindest. He would make a great ally when fighting werewolves, zombies and vampires. He can match strength with werewolves, watch your back for vampires. And since he’s already dead zombies won’t pay attention to him making a great scout or go for. Keep the monster around you have use for him.

Ok, so you want to kill the monster. Whatever you do, do not go head to head with him. He feels no pain and is stronger than you. A sniper rifle will do with a head shot. Or since he fears fire one can use a flamethrower or flaming arrow.

Again, he’s not hard to beat, but why kill him. He can help you more than harm you.

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