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Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Beoing Laser Avenger

Boeing has made a mounted laser to shoot down uav’s . The laser mounted avenger is put on the back of a humvee. It is capable of taking down small drones only and ieds. The laser is strong enough to cut the metal of the drone while in mid flight. Or heating up the ied until it explodes making it safe for our troops. The down side to the avenger, conditions have to be perfect for it to work. The small drone can only be flying up to 80miles per hour. The cloud cover has to be partial. The same conditions that are perfect for take down also make it is easy for the small drone to wipe out the humvee. I feel Boeing should use a stronger smaller power source. Maybe electric to cut down on its size. If they concentrate the laser beam and may be add some lenses i feel the beam could work.

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