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Thursday, June 30, 2011

Early Look At The Fourth Of July!

Today I would to reflect on Independence day since it is a few days away. Its been 235 years this year that we have broken away from Britain. We have a rich history filled with ups and downs. We are the greatest country in the world. we have real freedom. But these days we are experiencing more downs than ups. This country has had a depressed economy for a few years now. The majority of the American people are out of work. The attitude of people today has changed. We are a selfish nation. It's time for a change. I'm calling on the American spirit to return this Fourth Of July! It's time for our politicians to stop thinking about their wallets and come up with new ideas to bring back the economy of a great nation. It's time for the American people to come together and treat each other with respect again. Help someone who falls. If you own a company, create jobs! We need leaders from the past, people have brought us through the darkness, George Washington, Abraham  Lincoln, and  F.D.R. We need a new great leader. We need a new great mind and spirit. We are the Sons Of America.

Don't forget  the Fourth Of July sale for Endgame: Sons Of America. Click the blue Lulu button up top to get your copy today!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Liquid Body Armor Review

The military is now exploring liquid body armor for Kevlar vests. The liquid is more of a thick gel with particles in it. The density of the liquid will stop more than just a bullet. Normal Kevlar is just thick fibers. It will stop most bullets but does nothing for knives or shrapnel. The new liquid gel is dense enough to stop sharp foreign objects. It will also allow for more movement for the soldiers. In my opinion the new liquid armor will prove more reliable than the armor in use. I feel our troops will benefit from it more because of the use of I.E.D.’s used by the opposition.

Don’t forget to pick up your copy of EndGame: Sons Of America and take advantage of the Fourth Of July Sale! Click the LULU button above!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Who is David A. Salon

I've have gotten some questions on who I am. Well I'm David A. Salon first time author. I enjoy military history and current events. I do my best to keep up to date on world events and especially in United States. I graduated college in 2008 with a business degree. EndGame: Sons Of America allows me to use my knowledge of products, marketing, sales and promotions. Yes, I do it all myself. I've put a lot of hard work and effort into my work. I hope you all appreciate and enjoy it. Thank you all.

Monday, June 27, 2011

What IF?

EndGame: Sons Of America is a vision of the future. It is a what if? A what would you do? If  you're home was taken, your family separated, people being killed or jailed. What would you do? A group of friends fights back. They are a close group, friends for years. They have no military background. They are lead by someone you borderlines on bravery and stupidity, insanity and genius. They keep each other in check. The opposing force makes sure freedom is stripped from the American people. That the hereo's are left on their own. Our forefathers showed us to step up.Now that they are long gone,What you do? Find out what the Sons of America would do.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Book Reviews!

I would like to take the time now to thank my fans  Lionel, Debbie, Rob, and John for the emails that you sent. Thank you for purchasing my book and the kind words. Check out these emails!

Lionel wrote," I'm really into action games. Reading the action in Endgame is very enjoyable."

Debbie said," I didn't think I would like Endgame: Sons Of America. Now I can't put it down. It's very clever. So far I like the character Red the best!"

Rob emailed," Sons Of  America is great. The villains are very well done. Caracal is devious. The Russian mercenary Nikolai is badass!

John wrote in, " I'm a big fan of 80's and early 90's action movies. I also did some comic book writing growing up. I can appreciate the interaction between the characters. I enjoy Crusher the most. I recommend this book! Good Luck John."

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

My question today is why is the United States Military taking a zombie attack so serious? Yes, you did hear me right. An Article on Wired today features information on a military guide to a zombie attack. Is this someones joke? What are your thoughts.

wired article zombie attack

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


I would love some feed back from my fans! What you think of my blog articles here and on word press? How do you feel about my twitter account? Are you following me on facebook?


Monday, June 20, 2011

Epic Action in Endgame

Crusher- Hey look at that blood splatter ….I see a butterfly.
I always maintain some humor even when writing an epic action scene.

EndGame: Sons Of America

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Review of Military Manuals

Military manuals provides valuable information on a variety of subjects. Food and water preparation, navigation, first aid shelter and self defense. These tools for survival have fallen in today’s modern computer society. These guides are great if you are an outdoor enthusiast . Its definitely worth a look.

military manuals

Monday, June 13, 2011

Inspiration for Endgame

My inspiration for Endgame: Sons of America was based off a few things. First the characters are based on people I know. So dialogue between the main characters was easy. I did research on movie and comic book characters to see the depth of fictional people. The villains are based on pure fiction. Action sequences are centered around my research of military history. Things that appear as fake you might want to google. The Rip Saw Tank is a real drone hybrid. I have done my research so sit back and enjoy!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

About Endgame: Sons Of America

In the not too distant future, shadow cells of international extremists attempt to take over the United States of America by force. The US government seizes the opportunity to declare full scale martial law in an attempt to implement a total police state. Every American ideal is shattered in an instant. Realizing that no one is looking out for the good of the people, a group of six patriot vigilantes set out to save the future of America before it becomes history.