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Thursday, June 30, 2011

Early Look At The Fourth Of July!

Today I would to reflect on Independence day since it is a few days away. Its been 235 years this year that we have broken away from Britain. We have a rich history filled with ups and downs. We are the greatest country in the world. we have real freedom. But these days we are experiencing more downs than ups. This country has had a depressed economy for a few years now. The majority of the American people are out of work. The attitude of people today has changed. We are a selfish nation. It's time for a change. I'm calling on the American spirit to return this Fourth Of July! It's time for our politicians to stop thinking about their wallets and come up with new ideas to bring back the economy of a great nation. It's time for the American people to come together and treat each other with respect again. Help someone who falls. If you own a company, create jobs! We need leaders from the past, people have brought us through the darkness, George Washington, Abraham  Lincoln, and  F.D.R. We need a new great leader. We need a new great mind and spirit. We are the Sons Of America.

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