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Thursday, June 23, 2011

Book Reviews!

I would like to take the time now to thank my fans  Lionel, Debbie, Rob, and John for the emails that you sent. Thank you for purchasing my book and the kind words. Check out these emails!

Lionel wrote," I'm really into action games. Reading the action in Endgame is very enjoyable."

Debbie said," I didn't think I would like Endgame: Sons Of America. Now I can't put it down. It's very clever. So far I like the character Red the best!"

Rob emailed," Sons Of  America is great. The villains are very well done. Caracal is devious. The Russian mercenary Nikolai is badass!

John wrote in, " I'm a big fan of 80's and early 90's action movies. I also did some comic book writing growing up. I can appreciate the interaction between the characters. I enjoy Crusher the most. I recommend this book! Good Luck John."

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