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Thursday, October 13, 2011

Tips on Surviving Halloween Legends Today Vampires

Vampires would be the hardest to kill. You cannot just shoot a vampire. I would have to think more tactically here. Vampires can only be killed with a wooden stake, holy water, and sunlight. Defense tools are garlic a crucifix. We know vampire are strong, can fly and are smart. Here is what I would do. First eat a ton of garlic so you sweat garlic. They won’t bite you if you don’t taste good. Second, simple Kevlar shirt and thick pants. You need a bite back up plan. Wear a cross around your neck. It will keep them at bay. This is where you can get creative. Remember the super soaker you played with as kid? Fill it with holy water. You can get a nice stream or short burst to hit your target. If you can make them, try wooden arrows instead of stakes. Wood is wood, and you don’t have to get up close and personal to fight. Buy yourself a UV flashlight. Burn those vampires out of there hiding spot. Remember Frankenstien’s monster you made friends with. Bring him along for back up.

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