Here is another use for Google. When is the last time you took a picture? I bet it was a few days ago. Did you use a digital camera? Did you forget where the picture was taken? Drag and drop it into Google images. The data on the picture allows Google to search for information on the picture. It’s not an exact science; I tried it with three different pictures. Google aced it twice. Check out the article from, click the title of this article.
Friday, July 29, 2011
A New Use For Google Images
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
EndGame: Sons OF America Video Package!
Click on the title of this blog to view the video.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Kommando Spezailfrafte (Germany Special Forces)
Formed in 1996 once again because of terrorism. They got their roots during the 1972 Munich Olympic games. The Germany Special Forces modeled themselves after the America Delta force and British SAS. They split themselves into 5 platoons.
Platoon 1 Land Units
Platoon 2 Air Units
Platoon 3 Amphibious Units
Platoon 4 Mountain and Arctic Units
Platoon 5 Sniper Units
And the Command Platoon
These forces have seen action Kosovo, Bosnia and have helped the United States in Afghanistan.
They favor the Heckler and Koch made weapons particularly ump, mp5 , usp tactical pistol, and Remington 870 shotgun. I picked these few weapons because I like them as well. I’m sure we will be seeing these Kommandos more as the war on terror wages on.
Monday, July 25, 2011
Norwegian Special Forces
Over the weekend the people of Norway have suffered a great tragedy. A lone gunman open set off a bomb and open fired on innocent people. He reasons, to keep a set of people out of his country. Well that’s a piss poor reason to kill innocent people. We have lawyers if you feel that strongly about it. Go see them, but in no way do you shoot people. All you proved is how far gone you really are. Here is a quick look at the Norwegian Special Forces. Formed in 1981 due to terrorism, they defend their land and interests outside of the country. Trained for arctic temperatures in the sea and land. Their specialty landing on oil rigs in the arctic waters. They use a range of weapons from the mg 3 from WW2 to the modern mp7. In short I’d hate to be the poor sap who pissed off these guys.