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Friday, July 8, 2011

United States Deficit

Sometimes I sit and think about the future. I see things before others see them. I like to think about all possible outcomes. I wrote EndGame: Sons Of America in 2008, it has taken 3 years to make it what it is today. When I wrote the United States was in debit to other countries as always. This past week I heard on the news we were uping the deficit. One of either congress or senators said it wasn't a good idea, and China chimed in saying  "Are you sure you want to do that." I split my book into two parts. In the second half China wants to collect on debits owed to them, money which we do not have. (read the first book) Nato steps up and gives china the rights to our land and once again the Sons Of America are called to fight back. After hearing the news this week the question I'm asking is, How far off am I? How far off is the first book? I made up all this for entertainment, a through back to things like The A-Team, Punisher , Stallone,Arnold, Bruce Willis, and Clint Eastwood flicks. But really how far are we going as a country before its all real?

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