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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Kommando Spezailfrafte (Germany Special Forces)

Formed in 1996 once again because of terrorism. They got their roots during the 1972 Munich Olympic games. The Germany Special Forces modeled themselves after the America Delta force and British SAS. They split themselves into 5 platoons.

Platoon 1 Land Units

Platoon 2 Air Units

Platoon 3 Amphibious Units

Platoon 4 Mountain and Arctic Units

Platoon 5 Sniper Units

And the Command Platoon

These forces have seen action Kosovo, Bosnia and have helped the United States in Afghanistan.

They favor the Heckler and Koch made weapons particularly ump, mp5 , usp tactical pistol, and Remington 870 shotgun. I picked these few weapons because I like them as well. I’m sure we will be seeing these Kommandos more as the war on terror wages on.

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