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Monday, July 11, 2011

K9 Units used in the Military

K9 units were used back since the ancient Romans.  The Romans would use an entire battalion of dogs with spiked collars to attack the enemy.  Let’s fast forward to WW1 and trench warfare. Sgt Stubby was a small dog found by American troops. Sgt. Stubby would alert soldiers to fellow wounded troops. He also attacked German soldiers who invaded the trench. He was the first dog to be award a rank in the military. WW2 found the use of dogs as guards. Today we use K9’s for a variety of things.  They detect mines, i.e.d devices, find enemy troops, and guard bases.   The most common type of K9 used is the German, Dutch Shepherd and Belgian Malinois. These dogs have a bite force of 238 pounds of pressure. Some military dogs have their k9 teeth removed and replaced titanium teeth to add bone crunching ability. In short the enemy will be found and isn’t going anywhere.

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