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Monday, July 18, 2011

Let’s Marvel at Military Researching Thor, Iron Man and Spider Man.

The military is now seeing affects of exhaustion on our troops. We have been running the specials forces non-stop for the last ten to eleven years. Now we have to do something for them, their job is never done. So we turn to heroes and legends. We look to the heavens for the power of Thor. The military is looking into workout programs to up the strength of the troops.  And a new diet full of unknown nutrition. We see advancements in our enemy. They too are becoming smarter and stronger. The military taps Iron Man. We are in the beginnings of an exoskeleton. This exoskeleton right is slow moving but in time will move with the soldier. It also lifts up to 100 plus lbs. Something most of us cannot do. Most combat is now in urban areas. High buildings and walls sure can get in the way. Just ask Spider man for a helping hand. A chemical sticky agent produced from beetles is now in the works for Green Beret wall crawlers. If only we can find a way to speed up the healing factor like wolverine, I can finally be over an old weight lifting injury. Below will be links to where I found this info for those of you who don’t believe me. Have a great day all.

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