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Thursday, August 25, 2011

Breaking News! NYPD and CIA Partnered to Spy in New Jersey!

Down in New Brunswick terrorist literature was found in the lobby of an apartment building. When the land lord opened the first floor apartment he got the shock of his life. A NYPD surveillance operation! It has been reported that the state of New Jersey and FBI had no idea of the NYPD surveillance operation. It is now being reported that throughout New Jersey and New York the NYPD has partnered with the CIA to have undercover police officers spying on ethnic communities. They have been observing book stores, night clubs, and mosques. The NYPD hired a retired CIA operative to head its new intelligence unit in New York. The NYPD sent a few officers to Virginia for training. Now the NYPD has an intelligence unit that operates like a mini-CIA. The interesting part if the FBI did this it would violate civil rights. So CIA gave the NYPD permission not to tell another state or federal government what they were up to. Sounds more like the CIA was using the NYPD to do their dirty work.

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