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Thursday, August 18, 2011

Why isn’t 9/11 a National Holiday?

I can’t seem to a decent argument online whether 9/11 should or shouldn’t be a holiday. Some people said it is till to fresh. That’s why it should be a holiday. People need to know the government cares now. Not 15 to 20 years from now when I’m old. We lost innocent people that day. All there crime was, was going to work. Many towns sent aide into New York. Towns from small to large helped, random people from all walks of life volunteered. We didn’t see color, sex or race for those weeks. We just saw each other. In the months and years to come we lost, police, firefighters, first responders and civilians that were killed from asbestos and other things. We lost loved ones to time and death in Iraq and Afghanistan. We are still losing loved ones this very day to the war and 9/11 illnesses. So let’s show compassion for the lives lost and effort made on that day.

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