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Thursday, August 4, 2011

The History of Motorcycles in the Military and the start of Biker Gangs

In WW1 the Harley Davidson Indian motorcycle saw action. The brave men who rode the motorcycle had no protection from enemy fire. They were scouts who braved the battle field to relay messages on enemy movement and bring messages from one trench to another. When they returned home some kept their military issue Indian, others bought their own. They formed clubs to ride together. In WW2 the Harley Davidson Indian was redone giving it more muscle. Again these units made dashes into enemy lines. In 1948 in Fontana California the original biker gang was formed the Hells Angels. America’s claim to fame for gangs is that the biker gang was originated here first and then went overseas. Today the military rarely uses motorcycles expect for scouting and mountainous terrain. We now see the bikers as the last outlaws and cowboys on iron horses. We view them as somewhat legends and create shows like Sons Of Anarchy. America loves a homegrown badass.

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